You’ve heard the expressions “feeling blue” or “green with envy” and “seeing red” and you’ll recall how a person’s finances are often described as being “in the red” or “in the black”. From these expressions we can see how humanity uses colour to express itself in myriad ways, not least of which is to describe our emotions. But what you may not know is in addition to their subversive use of sacred symbolism, the Illuminati and the various esoteric and satanic cults, mystery schools initiates, sun cults, religions and brotherhood orders - many of which have their roots way back in ancient Babylon and Egypt - use colours and the frequencies they emit for the purpose of conducting their planetary business, most of which doesn’t have humanities greater good at heart. I refer to these secretive, manipulative and controlling groups collectively as the ‘cults’ or the ‘controllers, and when I use these expressions, I am referring to the upper levels, higher degrees or hierarchies of such groups, as often the lower-ranked members within these orders are little more than ‘stooges’ who are deliberately kept in the dark as much as the vast majority of average citizens.
But within the higher orders, colour is an important part of their symbolism, their sacred rites, rituals, and ceremonies, their family crests and shields, their logos, and these days even their advertising and websites. Like all their other symbolism, their colours are imbued with their ‘intentional’ energies for the programming of humanity and their long-term plans for our planet.
These 'brothers in arms' have very close
red white and blue family ties.
The Masonic orders of the Illuminati cults use combinations of colours and each colour and the various combinations have special meaning for the cult. Red white and blue have generally been the most significant combination of colours used, particularly to evoke patriotism in the citizenry, but also to express the power the Masonic cults have over the affairs of humanity. All colours emit frequencies which can be usable in ritual situations, and over thousands of years the popular ‘patriotic’ colours have been imbued with much occult symbolic meaning that many people are just not aware of.
So what do these colours symbolize?
In the lower ranks of Freemasonry (Blue Lodge Masons) the ‘brothers’ are told the colour blue symbolism of their ‘Blue Degrees’ represents mild, unresisting virtue (amongst other things), but to the highest levels of the various Masonic orders the symbolism of the ‘royalty’ blue represents a great deal more to do with the ‘right to rule’ bloodlines that came out of Babylon and Egypt, and through incessant interbreeding are still with us today. In these ancient cultures, blue was revered as the colour of the heavenly home of the sky-gods and sun-gods, and as such, blue is still used extensively in secret initiations and rituals. It has been said that blue represents ‘personal perfection’ and ‘finality’, and some have speculated there is a connection here to the finality of the Illuminati’s long-term plans for humanity known as Great Work of the Ages we are currently seeing made manifest at an alarming rate as the New World Order – an agenda set by those who consider they have a ‘right to rule’ by way of their Annunaki bloodline heritage.
"The Blue Degrees are but the court or portico (porch) of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine that he understands them… their true explication (explanation and understanding) is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry (those of the 32nd and 33rd Degrees)."
Hidden in the depths of the unknown, three silent beings weave the endless thread of human fate. They are called the Sisters, known to mythology as the Norns or Fates who incessantly twist between their fingers a tiny cord, which one day is to be woven into a living garment - the coronation robe of the priest-king. To the mystics and philosophers of the world this garment is known under many names. To some it is the simple yellow robe of Buddahood. By the ancient Jews it was symbolized as the robe of the high priest, the Garment of Glory unto the Lord. To the Masonic brethren, it is the robe of Blue and Gold - the Star of Bethlehem - the Wedding Garment of the Spirit.
….for his Lord and Master Baphomet
The term “blue blood” is a traditional status dished out to those who by way of their inherited birthright (blood) were considered the cream of society, or the nobles. This of course applied to all the monarchs, and all the elite or royal Annunaki bloodlines of cults. Many babies born of the ‘royal’ bloodline were said to have been born ‘blue’ due birth defects, heart conditions and blood conditions caused by the incessant inbreeding of these bloodlines in their attempts to keep their royal bloodlines pure.
The colour red, in addition to being the colour of the Egyptian god Seth (Horus/Ra or the present day Satan), symbolizes physical force, aggressiveness, masculinity, heat and fire. All qualities important to the cult! It also represents both sacrificial blood (through the ages), Star Fire (menstrual blood) and the royal or ‘godly’ bloodlines of the Annunaki/Illuminati hierarchy whom have have flowed flawlessly down through the ages, due to their incessant inter-breeding – the core group David Icke refers to as the Babylonian Brotherhood.
High Priestess Hillary
Queen Elizabeth (El-Lizard- Birth) surrounds
herself in comforting blood red
Moloch appears as part of medieval demonology, as a Prince of Hell. This Moloch finds particular pleasure in making mothers weep; for he specialises in stealing their children. According to some 16th century demonologists Moloch's power is stronger in October.It is likely that the motif of stealing children was inspired by the traditional understanding that babies were sacrificed to Moloch......also...The ancients would heat this idol up with fire until it was glowing, then they would take their newborn babies, place them on the arms of the idol, and watch them burn to death.
Who controls the “law”?
The annual red mass is held to open the new year law term at St Mary’s Cathedral.
The vampire fetish of drinking human and animal blood is actually more of a necessity to those who require the pure ‘rush’ of ‘terror’ spiritual energy that can be acquired at the moment of ritual sacrifice. But some do more than merely drink blood; they also eat the organs and flesh of their victims during rituals which are timed perfectly to coincide with significant ‘numerology’ and occult festival dates at certain desirable locations. If you think this sounds too sick to be real, and then you are wrong – it IS sick, but it is all too real and it happens all the time.
Freemasons of 33 degree (and higher) are said to ritually slaughter goats in honour of their satanic goat-god Baphomet (above), after which the Grand Master drinks the blood. This drinking of blood is very common aspect of satanic worship, as is the dowsing of the naked body in the blood of the recently slaughtered victim. Nice people....pillars of the community!
Satanic Inverted pentagram featuring Baphomet
While on the subject of blood, the Catholic ritual of communion involves eating small pieces of bread (or communion biscuits) and drinking red wine, and most Catholics will tell you this represents Jesus’ bread and wine last super ritual with his disciples, but it actually comes from a biblical passage written many years after the fact, (1 Corinthians 11:24-25) where Jesus was said to have instructed his followers that after his crucifixion, they were to remember his personal sacrifice by the ritual of eating bread to represent his flesh (“This is my body”) and by drinking wine to represent his blood (“This is my blood”) – which to researchers, is quite obviously symbolic occult ritual. To be more precise, the Catholic communion is thinly disguised sacrificial blood drinking. In reality, ritual blood drinking is far more widely practiced than most realize, the participants of which are more often than not the ‘pillars’ of our communities – the judiciary, the Police, MPs, doctors, lawyers and other professionals.
The flesh and blood of the ritually sacrificed Jesus
The ‘red carpet’ once reserved only for Kings, signified a kings right to claim his royal heritage….in other words, his Babylonian bloodline, but these days all political dignitaries and other VIP’s, including movie stars, are given the ‘red carpet’ treatment. That’s not to say such folk are not part of the serpent-cult’s ‘royal bloodline’ as people in top positions often get to those positions because of their favoured ‘blood connections’.
Ritual blue uniformed guard of honor for Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and his wife Mrs. Sheila Martin walk the red carpet with Jack McConnell on their arrival for the G8 Summit.
White is considered by the masses to be symbolic of purity and cleanliness, but the satanic cults use their twisted reverse symbolism, whereby to them white means ANYTHING but pure or clean. I have heard it said that ‘white’ also represents the light of Lucifer “The Light Bearer” and this is why certain cult leaders, ‘top brass’ and many of the ruling elites drive round in white limousines rather than the traditional stately-looking black ones, as to do so gives them some sort of perverse pleasure. So I’ll leave it to you to decide for yourself what “white” really symbolizes in the patriotic red, white and blue combination!
Well this has been my take on the red, white and blue ‘hues’ and no doubt there is plenty more I could have dug out, so maybe you’re a bit more in the know and may even feel a little differently about these colours the next time you see them bandied about in all their glory on official occasions…maybe from now on a little more colour and symbol savvy!
All the best!
Lime - January 2007
Research video links for this post:
Michael Tsarion's Conspiracy Con presentation on the
The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism (6 parts)
The Freeman Perspective on Corporate Symbolism
Freemasons - US Government Conspiracy (A mini Doco)
Alex Jones Report - Illuminati Symbolism
Very interesting stuff!
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